Monday, July 14, 2014

Sweet Potato Fries

Oh. My. God. Looking at this just makes me hungry. SWEET POTATO FRIES! Super easy and simple to make, and so so full of flavour. Sweet potatoes are full of awesome health benefits: 

1) Full of vitamins and high in them(A, C, D, B3, B6) which can help with improving your immune system and overall health;

2) contains a source of iron and fiber which helps with our energy levels, and helps our red and white blood cell production;

3)this isn't a benefit, (kinda is), but they're SO delicious;

4) Honestly, the list goes on...

Anyways, enough with the babbling, make this and you will not regret it.


(serving size: 1)
1 medium-large sweet potato
1 tbsp of olive oil
dashes of cayenne pepper
dashes of salt
dashes of pepper
[really, any other seasoning/spices you enjoy!]
OPTIONAL: 2 tsp of cornstarch (makes it crunchy, but I didn't use it)


1. Preheat your oven to 350F. 
2. Wash and peel the skin off the sweet potato. (you can leave the skin on if you want, but make sure you rub and wash the sweet potato's exterior vigorously) 
3. Cut the sweet potato into strips/wedges (about 1/4 inch wide) - I just estimated what size I'd like it; if you prefer a thicker fry, cut it thicker but keep in mind you'd have to leave it in the oven for 5-10 minutes longer.
4. Place the wedges/slices into a bowl and cover with olive oil.
5. Add your spices/salt/pepper atop the wedges/slices and TOSS/MIX the ingredients together! Make sure its nicely coated. Use hands/tongs to do this.
6. Line a baking tray/sheet with the sweet potatoes. Do not crowd them together, otherwise it will become soggy.
7. Bake for 20-25 minutes at 350F. I flipped 10 minutes into the baking, and then left it in for another 10 minutes.

TA DA! That's it. You're done. I drench my sweet potato fries into ketchup before digging it - I love ketchup. I also sprinkled some sea salt atop afterwards. LOOK AT IT. LOOK AT THIS BEAUTY.

Delicious fries. Much yum. Such delicious. So good and super easy.


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